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BodyTalk at The Healing Power Within

We employ the BodyTalk modality at the Healing Power Within. The BodyTalk method allows us to examine the entire person when evaluating the root causes of your symptoms. It is truly a whole-body approach to wellness and dynamic life balance.

What is BodyTalk?

BodyTalk is a technique that provides insight to the areas of your body that need attention.  Although physical symptoms may manifest themselves, what the body wants to address may not always seem related.  BodyTalk allows your body to guide the practitioner through both discovery of issues and re-establishment of a dynamic balance in the order that is most efficient.  Additionally, BodyTalk is looking at the entire picture.  Practitioners are trained to address the whole-bodymind including physical, mental, emotional and environmental factors so the actual underlying causes of disharmony can be identified and addressed.

Who can BodyTalk help?

BodyTalk can help people of all ages from pre-born in utero to death as long as they are open to healing.

What should I expect at a BodyTalk session?

BodyTalk sessions are safe, non-invasive and comfortable.  The client will typically lie face-up on a table fully clothed.  The client may also sit upright.  The session typically will take from 15 to 45 minutes.  The length of a session is not indicative of the quality or effectiveness of the session.  The bodymind knows exactly how many corrections can be initiated in each session.  Once this level is reached, the body will indicate that the session is complete and will also indicate if and when you need to return for a follow-up session.

What can BodyTalk help with?

  • Pain Neutralization
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Digestive Issues
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Vertigo
  • Infertility
  • Recovering from Infections
  • Lymphatic Issues
  • “Mystery” Illnesseses
  • Pregnancies (both mother & infant)
  • Adjusting to the Death of a Loved One
  • Accident Recovery
  • Preparation for & Recovery from Surgeries
  • Trauma Recovery (physical, mental & emotional)
  • Self-Defeating Behaviors
  • Damage from Vaccinations
  • Any imbalance or disharmony in your life or health
  • To learn more in-depth information about BodyTalk, click here.